Tuesday, October 23, 2007

First post!

So here's the thing...

As I sit on the floor, laptop in, well, lap, I watch CNN's "Planet in Peril," and one word comes to mind: incredible.

The things that I am seeing are simply incredible. Water that gives people cancer, endangered animals killed for their fur and meat, even caged for their bile, makes me sick to the point that I am on the verge of crying. How can we do this not just to the world, but to ourselves. Whether republican or liberal, man or woman, a half dozen of one or six of the other, you cannot deny that there is something wrong when we knowingly put ourselves and our futures in danger. And whether you believe in global warming or not, if you feel that there isn't nearly enough evidence one way or the other, I say take a step outside. That 81 degree weather is not normal for mid-October.

Now, this blog was not created to preach. Though it may seem like that at the particular moment in time, or simply because of the title of my blog, that is not the case. It is just that I am overwhelmed with the words I'm hearing Anderson Cooper speak, and the images that are flooding my television. Again, NOT here to preach, but I think that everyone should watch this program. The information is as thought-provoking as it shocking, at least to me.

Anyhoo... Watch the program, or don't (though I hope you will) and stay tuned for more of me! It should be a fun ride.

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